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Saturday, March 6, 2010

A tribute to marriage, and my husband....

    With trials and tribulations, come sucess and happiness. I haven't always thought that this was a true statement, I didn't think that with trials and everything that it always ended in happiness, but recently I have come to believe that it is a true statement and I am greatful for that.
     I don't know if this is a girl thing, or a romantic's way of thinking, or just what I was thinking but I thought that when I got married it would be a little hard but that for the most part it would be smooth sailing and that everything would be almost like a fairytale (not the birds singing and when people kiss a little heart floats above their head telling you they are in love) but in the aspect that since I had known Casey for 5 years and couldn't imagine my life without him, that it would be the perfect life once we were married. Little did I know that I was daydreaming about a fictional world, one of love and marriage where you never fight with each other, and where your spouse always knows what you are thinking (because they are a mind reader) and where you like each other all the time. (boy was I totally oblivious to what was real life) Let me tell you, real life hit when I got married and realized my daydream was just that, a day dream.
    I loved my husband dearly the day we got married, it was the perfect day, little did I know that my love would grow for him greatly and I would find out that I would do anything for him in the next coming months. I am sure women out there will be able to understand what I am talking about when I say men are men and I don't think I was the least bit prepared to live with one when I got married. My husband and I found out REAL fast that we come from way different backgrounds, that we had different thoughts and opinions about what marriage should be like and what the roles of a spouse should be. We have fought (we have never yelled at the other person though) I have cried, we have had to leave and cool off and then come back later, and we both have thought what have we gotten ourselves into, but we have come to realize we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Our marriage is by no means perfect and we are always going to be working on it but I think that we know that we picked the right person to marry and spend the rest of our lives with.
   I have to brag about my husband for just a minute, Casey is the King of smoothing things over. He knows exactly what to do if he makes me mad, or frustrates me, or make me sad. I have heard people complain about their husbands, and I have complained about mine too, but he knows what I like and dislike, he knows what I'm thinking sometimes without even having me have to tell him, and he loves me. Casey has studied me for the past little while I am sure because I have noticed that he does the things I like more and more because it is for his benifit that when he makes me mad he does theses things and I don't stay mad long, he has even found things that I didn't know I like.
Things Casey has found out:
1. I like my hair being played with, it is relaxing to me and puts me to sleep.
2. He can give me a hug and I melt in his arms
3. When I have had a long day he just agrees with whatever I say and lets me vent
4. I don't like to drive so he drives everywhere
5. I like the left side of the bed
6. I am a night owl unless I have to be up at quarter to 2am and then I need my sleep
7. If I get up at quater to 2am I am a grouchy person and he tells me to go take a nap and he will do laundry and I am much happier when I wake up.
8. I don't like chocolate but I love cheesecake
9. I have a short temper, I don't always get mad I usually get frustrated
10. If I am embaressed or he is doing something that I think shouldn't be done I give him and look and he knows exaclty what I am meaning and then he gives me this little pouty face and it makes me giggle inside. :)
 I am sure there are more but those are the ones coming to my head right now, I love my husband and wouldn't trade the past 5 months with him for anything. We both are still learning about each other and I don't know if that will ever stop, but I am glad he chose me to be his wife.

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