Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas to everyone, I got to talk to my husband today. Well I IM'd him yesterday and we got to skype last night at like 1130pm and then he got back on at 900am our time and watched us open a few gifts. He only had 30 mins but it was good to see him. He got a package from his parents today which he was excited about it was two new movie and a book. Which he watched I think both the movies today because he had the day off.  He also got my package last Saturday, and a package from the VFW here in New Plymouth that had a bunch of cool stuff in it. He loves getting packages and letters. I write him a ton of emails but i should be better at sending him some snail mail stuff to just so he can get some things in person. 

My Christmas was good, I got a rice cooker (which also steams veggies and will also do fondue). I got three movies, letters to juliet, when in rome, and santa clause 3. And I got a new hair straightener, it is pink, silver and white. And my final gift was a book I asked for on CD which I can use in my new car now. Yes you read that right I bought a new car, mine is on it's last leg the check engine light came on and it needs several new things, which would cost all to much to fix. So I spoke with Casey and we decided to buy a new car now (new to us not a NEW car) instead of waiting til he gets home. So I went looking and then took my dad with me and I bought a 2007 toyota matrix. It is bright red and only has 38,000 miles on it. I have driven it two days and love it already. I can't wait to bring our little girl home in it. Oh and for Casey to see it, I sent him a picture but I would like for him to drive it and give it the final okay. 
isn't it cute, I love it!!

I am getting more and more nervous about the baby coming, it is getting close there is only 7 weeks left til she is due to be here. I just hope that she stays in there til Casey comes. I have a bunch to do before she gets here, my mom and I are going to start on the nursery this week. We are painting it a light grey color, and I have a bunch of stuff to finish (i.e. curtains, a few blankets, a nursing cover, and a few other things.) I am excited though I think it will turn out really cute. :)
These are some projects I have been working on. 
This is a baby blanket that I am making for a lady at work she is expecting a grandbaby. When it is finished, it will have a cute light yellow back, and yellow trim on the front. I think it will turn out cute!

This is a John Deere blanket it that I am making for Adelyn I have another one that is pink and the John Deere green color. I will post pictures later. :)

Oh I got the best gift from Casey a few days ago, the military has a program that lets service men and woman video tape them reading a book and then they send the book and the DVD home and I got one on Christmas Eve. It made me cry, it was so sweet. I love it, Casey says that he will get to do several more and this way Adelyn will know what her daddy looks and sounds like. It is a special thing that the military is doing for families something that brings him a little closer, even though he is so far away from home.
 This is the book he sent, I don't know if you can read it but it says "to my darling baby, from your loving soldier daddy, Love you!" How cute is that!

Well I have a Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday, and then I have them every two weeks until she arrives. I love my dr. and trust him totally. He said when I am a month out, he will let me know if I can have the baby naturally or if I will have to have a C-section. We will see, I really don't care as long as she comes and is healthy and safe. I think that is about it right now, I will try and take some pictures as we make progress on the nursery. :) Love to all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A little Pre Christmas update...

So I have just been busy working and trying to get the Christmas shopping done. Casey has been in Iraq for almost a month now, we get to talk every once in awhile we don't get to skype very much but we do get to talk more than I thought we would so that is a good thing. 

I am now 32 weeks pregnant it has seemed to fly by. My pregnancy with a little hitch here and there, it has been a great. I have been lucky, I think it is God's way of making it a little easier with Casey being gone. 
This one is of me with my hair all done and everything
This one is me in my pajamas and no make up and my hair not done but it is a tight shirt so it gives you a good sense of how big my belly really is. :)

So this week is Christmas, and the next is my Birthday, the next is my baby shower and the next is my maternity pictures so I will have quite a bit to blog about in the next few weeks. And after the next 4 weeks I will only have 4 weeks until Adelyn gets here, and Casey will be here. I can't tell which one I am more excited about. 
This is our Christmas tree this year, isn't it cute! And the snow man on the left I got from my work Christmas party. 

So my sister in law Coree made my little Adelyn a cute little flapper hat, I love it! Well I think that is it for now I will write again soon!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snow snow snow...

So I got off work last night at 9pm and didn't get home until 1025pm yep an hour and a half drive home. The roads were horrible, and it snowed all night, I had to cancel my Dr. appt today cause there is no way I'll get up the hill here to get to the freeway. I had to have my dad park my car last night, and he barely got it off the road couldn't even get it up the drive way. We have atleast a foot, I went outside to take pictures of Tage, and I sunk to my knee. So here are the pictures from our snow day, and the last picture is of my diaper bag that I ordered from this military wife in Utah she put it in the mail yesterday but posted a picture so I stole it, they have a facebook page called hold your hero, they make purses, bags and diaper bags. He husband is also deployed and she had a baby right before he left. So it was nice to talk to someone that was going through the same thing. I love the bag and can't want for it to get here!
We really bundled Tage up he didn't have snow pants so we put sweats, and then slick pants over the top he had a turtle neck, and a hoodie sweat shirt, and a coat. He Loved the snow, it was so cute!

His gloves are a little big, he had ones that fit underneath and then stole a pair from uncle Bo.
Tage bugs snowman
Tage with his snow man. lol he is so cute, he loved the snow.
Tage showing me how he makes his snow angels. :)
I love the purple, and on the other side behind the changing pad it says Unruh.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Big Prego Belly....

So Casey is finally in Kuwait, he says that it is dirty there. He will be there til after Thanksgiving, I got him an external hard drive so that he can watch movies on his computer in Iraq, and when he got to Kuwait he plugged it in and it didn't work. So he is going to send it back to me and I'm gonna try and return it and get a different one. I have got to talk to him twice, the second time we got cut off and didn't get to say good bye. Hopefully we'll get to talk again soon. I do miss him so much, we could text atleast when he was in Mississippi, and now we can't and it makes a big difference. :( 

I am now at my 28th week, I am getting big. I took my glucose tolerance test today and I didn't pass it so now I have to do a three hour one tomorrow. If I don't pass it tomorrow I have gestational diabetes, and I will have to take insulin and test my blood sugars all the time, I hope everything goes fine tomorrow. Here are some recent pictures of my belly. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My New Orleans trip.....

So this past week I went to visit Casey in Mississippi and Louisiana, I took 4 days off of work and went to visit before Casey deploys on this next Monday. I flew out on Saturday, and went from Boise to Denver and then Denver to New Orleans. I then picked up a rental car in New Orleans and drove about 2 hours to Hattiesburg Mississippi to pick Casey up. We stayed one night in Hattiesburg got up the next day and drove to New Orleans. We walked around the French Quarters, and just kind of relaxed that day. While we were in New Orleans we went to the zoo, aquarium (where we got to pet sting rays), went out to a lot of great food places including The house of Blues. We went on a carriage rid which I loved it was at night, and we were the only ones in the carriage, and we had bought benigets at Cafe de Monde before we got on the carriage. We also just relaxed and enjoyed each others company. We will hopefully get to see each other again in Three months when Adelyn is born, Casey is trying to get leave so he can be home for the birth. While I was in New Orleans I had bought a book at the hallmark store that lets you record the book in your own voice, I had Casey record the story for Adelyn (it is so sweet I LOVE it!) I do have a few pictures but as you all know Casey and I don't take many pictures ever. :)

This was the night we went to The House of Blues, we had a really good time. 

My husband being silly like always. 
I had to take a picture of my handsome husband, I love him in that color!
We were heading to the mall and snapped a picture

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Little update...

Well I have just been working lately, my work offered me the processing shift that they created. That means that instead of drawing the blood I am doing all the processing of it, and I am working towards getting my CLA (clinical laboratory assistant) when I get that I will get a raise, and I will be able to run more machines and do more stuff. I love my new job, and it is a nice shift it is Mon.-Fri 9 to 6 which I have come to really like. :)

Casey has just been doing more training. I actually get to see him in 12 days. I am going to pick him up with another military wife and were gonna spend 5 days in New Orleans. I am excited to see him, and we both are excited to go to New Orleans we both have never been to New Orleans so it is exciting to see what is there.
He sent me some new pictures so I will post them.

Our little Miss Adelyn is moving like crazy now, we hope her daddy will be able to feel her kick when we go to New Orleans. I bought a bed set for her room, it is purple and pink with butterflies on it. I love it!!!

Other than that, there isn't a bunch going on. I have a doctor's appointment on the 29th and I will get more ultra sound pictures so I will post those later. :) Love to all!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's a GIRL!!

Yes it is finally official we are having a little girl. Casey and I couldn't be happier, I went to my ultra sound, and she flashed the ultra sound tech at the very first it was kind of funny.  Her name will be Adelyn Maeve Unruh. I got a CD of it and there were 7 photos and 5 videos so I got to send them to Casey which was great that he could get to see that. I got to feel her for the first time the other day, I had my computer on my lap and she didn't like it being there, so she decided to kick it and make it move. 
This is where she flashed us and let us know that she was a girl.

These are her feet, she had her legs crossed at the ankles for a lot of the Ultra sound.

This is her profile with her cute little button nose, I love it!

This is one of the videos of our little girl. :)

Casey has been gone for 2 weeks, and he is doing well. He says he has already lost 7 pounds, which he is happy about. We got to skype last night so I got to see him, and talk to him. He gets a leave the 7th of Nov to the 11th of Nov, and I and another wife are flying to see our husbands for those days. We will be staying in New Orleans, none of us have been there before, we are sharing a rental car, and hopefully we will have a lot of fun in New Orleans. That is about all the news for our little family today. 

This is a picture Casey sent me, he is in the back seat of this truck.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

One Year Ago Today....

Today is my one year anniversary, a year ago today I married a wonderful man, he is my best friend, he is my companion, he is the love of my life! We have had our ups and downs, we have had some wonderful times this past year. We have traveled a little, we have started a family, and we have had to say a really hard good bye until we get to see each other again hopefully when our little girl is born, everything we have gone through the struggles, the good times, has only made us stronger and has made us come closer together. I am excited to see what the next few years will bring!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A long day.....

Well we have had a long day, and a long week. Casey has gotten to be home for this past week a few days and a few nights. He leaves for Mississippi tomorrow at 1200, I get to drop him off and watch him fly away. Today I was glad he was here, I woke up and I had bleeding and some cramping, we called the on call Dr. and she told me to take a hot shower, and take some tylenol and lie flat and if it got worse to go to the ER. Well the pain got worse so we went to the ER. Casey went with me, and he got to hear the heart beat for the first time, and they did and ultra sound so he got to see how active our little one is and the ultra sound tech said that she was pretty sure were having a girl. :) Then they told me that I had a UTI, was really dehydrated, and that they were worried about my placenta being to low so I got meds, and fluids, and I am going to have a follow up check with my Dr. this week to see what he says. So I will have one this week and one next week, next week we will confirm what were having. Not much else to tell Casey and I have been spending as much time together as we can, and other than relaxing and enjoying one another we haven't done much. I will keep everyone posted on the baby and Casey.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A long week....

    No pictures this week, I have been working, and then working on a Christmas present which I will post after Christmas because it is for my mom and she looks on here. I have also been working on all my baby stuff that I sew there are so many people having babies that I have ran out of boy stuff because everyone is having a boy.

    Well it has been a little over a week since Casey left, it is a lot harder than I thought that it was going to be to have him gone. I cry for no reason all of the time and I can't do anything about it, everyone asks me if I'm okay my answer is yes because there is nothing anyone can do to make it better. I think I am just trying to get use to him being gone. I went to my second Dr.'s appointment on Friday, the nurse said my blood pressure was really high, and asked if I knew why and I broke into tears so looked at me and ask what did I say, it wasn't that my blood pressure was high that was making me cry, it was that Casey wasn't there to be at the Dr.'s appointment with me. I know I am a crazy lady my husband tells me all the time and we laugh about that I cry for stupid stuff lately. My next appointment is Oct. 1st we get to find out what we are having, and that will be the half way mark of my pregnancy. At that appointment we will also decide what we'll do about my high blood pressure he said it might just be a one time thing last time it was 116/76 this time it was 162/90 so it was a big difference. Other than that there is nothing going on, the Dr. is guessing that I am having a girl because the heart rate is really fast so that is his guess, I think it is a girl too but Casey still is determined that it is a Boy. He will be in Mississippi training when I find out so I might be able to call him or skype

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's finally here...

Today I dropped Casey off in Mountain Home to do his training he will be back the 11th of Sept. to the 14th of Sept. and then he is gone to Mississippi. I miss him already I know it sounds stupid but I do. I have a few pictures to share and that's about it not a lot of words today.

My Husband was being romantic the last day he was here and he put roses all over my car it was super cute!

This was the rose in the my door and it went on my desk when I went to work.

This was a butterfly that Casey found at the gas station we were at. It just sat on his finger.

This is not me announcing that I am having a girl but I saw this super cute headband and I couldn't pass it up.
You can't see it very well but there is a little bit of white netting over the top of the flower like a forty's thing.
Its super cute.

This is Tage wearing it, he wanted to try the babies flower on. he is a little excited about it. lol

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our little Unruh....

We had our first ultra sound today, they told us we are exactly where we thought we were. We are 11 weeks today, and we are due the 19th of February. Here are the pictures.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My 100th post......

     Little did I know that when I started this blog I would actually continue it for several years. I never thought anyone would ever read it and much to my surprise there are a few that read it and even some people leave me little comments.

      Well Casey and I have been very busy lately so I am going to give you the run down of our summer, and what is still to come in our summer, sorry no pictures this time.

* We have both been working a ton, all different shifts but mostly graveyard shifts
*  We have traveled to Colorado to see Casey's Family
* We have traveled to Riggins to see my Grandma
*  We traveled to Arizona to see Casey's friends
* We found out that were Pregnant
* We have moved into a new place and have made it our own.
* We went to a friends house for the 4th of July and it was fabulous.
* We have been getting ready for Casey's deployment
* We have loved our first summer together as Husband and Wife!

Things yet to come this summer.......

* I have a baby shower I am going to tomorrow and two others in the next few weeks.
* We have our first Ultrasound on the 30th of July
* I am going to a Dinner thing with Casey's so they can inform the families of the deploying soldiers of stuff
* We are going to visit my Grandma again in Riggins
* Casey's brother and his friend are going to come and stay with us for a week
* My brother is coming to stay with us for that same week
* The week everyone is staying with us is the week of the Fair which I am really excited about because this pregnant lady wants a scone!! Whoot Whoot! :)
* We will hopefully get to find out what the baby is right before Casey leaves, I will be 17 weeks and a few days when he is on his 4 day leave between training and deployment.
* My wonderful, loving husband is Leaving me for a year. :( It's probably one of the most life changing events we've had besides being pregnant and it's the one that makes me the most said. I am glad that I have my family here and I have friends that are willing to help me out too. I am glad that he loves what he does, and that he is serving our country. We are excited to have him leave, because that means it's that much sooner that he comes back. We have been preparing and preparing and it is finally approaching, about 6 weeks til he leaves. I feel prepared, but still feel like I need more time. I love him with all my heart and pray for his safe return. Love to all.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Everything that is new.....

     I'm sure most of you know this by now, but Casey and I are expecting on Feb. 18th. We are really excited and I'm a little nervous because Casey will be gone for 6 months of the pregnancy and the first 6 months of our little ones life. I will be posting ultra sound pictures and everything on here. We have our first ultra sound on the 30th of July. Oh and I have to put belly pictures up or my sister and some of my friends will never forgive me, so be watching for those. The next big news is Casey finally got his personal orders for his deployment he'll be leaving about the 3rd week in Aug for training and then he'll be back for 4 days and then leave for Iraq the middle of Sept. We're trying to cram everything into this last month we have together so it is really busy for us but we sure are enjoying ourselves.

   We have all but finished the house, well atleast what we are planning on doing right now. We need to clean our bedroom cause that is where all the misc stuff went, and then paint our bathroom and were done for awhile. Here are the pictures I promised, there are a ton. I hope you enjoy, and Love to all!